
While the facilities on the Mountain are rustic and not all spaces are ADA-compliant, the Clouds Team is committed to making this year’s Gathering as accessible as possible, given the constraints of the venue. If you’d like to attend, but something makes that difficult for you, or if you have any questions about the venue, or would like to tell us about your access needs, we would love to hear from you. Please reach out to the organizing team at

The Mountain has uneven ground and often steps to access facilities; namely the kitchen, the bathrooms, and most cabins. There are three 7” steps to the bathrooms and the kitchen. The eating area is outdoors with a no-step entry. The outdoor stage and multiple cabins are equipped with ramps. At this time, we are not able to offer ASL interpretation, but we will update this page if that changes. Please contact us with any questions and we will do our best to provide solutions.
